The device against adenoma: an effective remedy for the treatment of prostatitis

In recent years, inflammation of the prostate gland in men has been in the first place among other diseases. According to medical statistics, the number of patients is increasing every year. With the right approach to treatment and adherence to the medical regime, the disease can be defeated. An individual device for the treatment of prostatitis, recommended by an experienced urologist, can become a real salvation from infection.

Prostatitis and its treatment

groin pain with prostatitis

Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases in men over 35. It is manifested by pain in the scrotum or penis, frequent urination, and painful urination. Patients often complain of sexual dysfunction and early ejaculation. Inflammation begins with the detachment of epithelial cells that accumulate in the urinary ducts and become overgrown with mucus. Then these cells harden, turning into small stones. The latter clog the ducts, hence the pain when urinating.

Prostatitis is manifested by inflammation of the prostate gland, which is treated with both medications and folk remedies. The prostate gland not only controls urination. With its help, a special secret is released that dilutes the sperm. The disease can be acute or chronic. Acute prostatitis is much easier to recognize and cure faster. Signs of an incipient disease are pain and difficulty urinating and problems with erection. Symptoms are unpleasant, therefore, at the very initial manifestations of the disease, it must be treated.

bacteria provoking prostatitis

Most often, the cause of the disease lies in urogenital infections, such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea. A decisive role in the spread of infection belongs to congestion in the tissues. This is a circulatory disorder and edema. The risk of getting this disease becomes greater if a person often drinks alcohol and is addicted to drugs. There can be many reasons: weakening of the body after surgery, immobile lifestyle, chronic diseases that lower immunity.

Patients with uncomplicated forms of the disease are treated on an outpatient basis. With a strongly pronounced nature of prostatitis, especially with purulent discharge, patients are hospitalized.

Medicines for treatment are selected depending on the test results, and pills alone are not enough. Treatment should be comprehensive: antibacterial drugs, antibiotics are used, massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, etc. are prescribed. Recently, various devices are increasingly used in treatment, which are presented in large numbers on the market.

Indications for use and principle of action

Apparatus treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma is used in the complex therapy of severe cases of the development of the disease. Urologists recommend using them in inpatient conditions or at home in combination with medications. The massage-vibrating effect of various devices, together with various types of physiotherapeutic radiation, is very often used in urological practice. The indications for their use are as follows:

a man with poor potency with prostatitis
  • chronic types of inflammation;
  • the presence of adhesions and constrictions in the tissues of the prostate gland;
  • impaired erection;
  • pain and discomfort when urinating;
  • poor blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  • neurogenic disorders.

In the acute stage of inflammation, all devices are contraindicated due to possible complications. When choosing a device for the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to check whether it has a certificate and a level of safety. The principle of operation of the apparatus for the treatment of prostatitis is a direct effect on the damaged tissue and restoration of normal blood circulation in it.

In connection with the place of application, all devices are divided into those that directly affect the prostate and are the most effective, and devices that act through the perineal tissue. The most effective method of medical devices is massage using special attachments included in the kit.

prostate massage for prostatitis

A non-invasive type of exposure (through the perineal tissue) does not have such effectiveness, but it can be used independently without special preparation. Most clinics use devices that operate on the basis of electrical stimulation, which generate impulses that quickly reach the sore spot. At the same time, the muscles contract, and this gives a positive result in 80%. Unfortunately, many devices on the market are fraudulent and do not have a therapeutic effect, so you need to buy only in trusted pharmacies and always be interested in having a certificate.

Types of devices

There are many devices for the treatment of prostatitis today. Prostate massagers are intended for independent use. Some products are quality certified.

prostate massage device for prostatitis

Prostate massager. The disadvantage is that the devices are massive enough for such a procedure. In addition, for large men, the length of the head of the massager is not enough to produce a high-quality massage.

During the massage, the patient is completely relaxed and feels goosebumps. With regular use of the device, prostatitis can not only be completely cured, but also prevent its further development. As for the shortcomings, they also exist:

  1. First, the physical apparatus cannot work on the energy of the organism for a long time, therefore its working period is short.
  2. Secondly, massagers can get out of place during work, and this creates discomfort for the patient.

One of the safest devices is a therapeutic massager, which has a specific shape. It is she who makes it possible to make movements without injuring the rectum. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that they can massage the outside of the perineum.

These devices are made of silicone, safe for health. This material allows the vibration wave to penetrate deeper into the depths of the tissues, thereby increasing the efficiency of the device. And although at the price it hardly differs from other products, it is it that urologists advise to buy it.